Tag Archives: Meek is Murder

Show 15 – The Goatman’s Revenge

This one was a shorty but we hit all the good stuff and might have killed a bit in the process. Christina and Joe hung out with us in studio and had fun with the room foley mic. Music releases included Motorhead, Meek is Murder, Russian Circles and the Duck Dynasty X-Mas album which brought an abrupt end to the show. And Christina had an allergic reaction to the Goatman!

email: jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Intro and Outro Music – X-Mobius – Beebak

This Weeks Beer – Lakewood Brewery’s Punkel and Goatman

This Weeks Stories:

World?s strongest beer: http://www.odditycentral.com/foods/worlds-strongest-beer-has-67-5-percent-alcohol-by-volume-is-called-snake-venom.html

Pigeon?s Smuggling Cigars: http://www.odditycentral.com/art/artist-trains-pigeons-to-smuggle-cigars-from-cuba.html

Kuma?s Corner: http://www.kumascorner.com/

Damn Samali Pirates: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/10/28/britney-spears-s-music-is-used-to-fight-off-somali-pirates-stop-laughing.html


Great American Cooter Fest: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/28/great-american-cooter-fest-florida_n_4170728.html

Homo Demon: http://boingboing.net/2013/10/28/man-destroys-own-apartment-aft.html