Tag Archives: Dallas Music

Show 497 – Do You Have Any Little Boys?

This week has been a really wild news cycle and we are breaking it down with our buddies Steedo and Tim. Steedo is no stranger to the mean streets of Fort Worth, and Tim is one of those Funky Panther boys that are trying to run the mean streets of Fort Worth. We talk about the Puscifer and Post Malone shows, The Me-Thinks release party, the false hope the Cowboys are bringing us, and the new dive into the heavy stuff. Paul Pelosi’s attack, the Intercept article about the DHS, and the downfall of China. Somewhere along the way, we get stuck on ordering Little Boys and Fat Men. Just another typical Tuesday in the Temple.

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JJTM Coffee is available from 817 Coffee Roasters

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EMAIL: Jerryjonestownmassacre

Show 496 – Let’s Keep Haltom High

Producer of Show 496 – Jeremie Perez

When people ask us what we like about podcasting, our normal response is that we can talk about anything and everything we want without worrying about corporate overlords trying to cage us. Tonight is a perfect example of that as our buddies from The Me-Thinks stop by to promote their upcoming album release at Lola’s this Saturday night. I seriously think we talk about everything, or at least everything that anyone really cares about. The most important thing though is to be at Lola’s this Saturday night to help celebrate the release of a brand new kick-ass record!

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JJTM Coffee is available from 817 Coffee Roasters

Want to contribute to the show? Do that here!

You can catch the video version of the show here

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EMAIL: Jerryjonestownmassacre

Show 495 – “The Rest of the Story!”

For the first time in 9+ years, this show is a solo show as Dustin tries to keep his composure as the fake Paul Harvey. It lasts for a few “pages” until it falls apart altogether and becomes a regular show. Stubbs will return next week with tales of his adventures on tropical islands, drinking rum, and frolicking the beaches with chickens. Don’t forget, we are doing this show every week on the value-for-value model, so if you like what you hear, send us a little donation by using one of the links on our website! We’ll toss you a shout-out and make a producer of the show!

Spotify Link Itunes Link Goggle Play Podcast Index

JJTM Coffee is available from 817 Coffee Roasters

Want to contribute to the show? Do that here!

You can catch the video version of the show here

Subscribe on Stitcher here


EMAIL: Jerryjonestownmassacre

Show 494 – How The Hell Could This Happen?

Executive Producer of show 454 – Jeremie

Producer of show 454 – Tim

Stubbs is on vacation this week so the only one brave enough to join the show is Susie Ramone. Yes, The Fort Worth Weekly Music Award ballot was released this week and no one that represents the paper had the balls to come in and face the hard-hitting questions we had concerning it. There are also a couple of burger lists we can go through, and Susie debuts her new Only Fans account! If you still need a blue pill after this, you might as well just cut it off.

Spotify Link Itunes Link Goggle Play Podcast Index

JJTM Coffee is available from 817 Coffee Roasters

Want to contribute to the show? Do that here!

You can catch the video version of the show here

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EMAIL: Jerryjonestownmassacre

Show 493 – Eye Was Once Something

This week our buddy Jessie Ingle stops by the Temple for a little talk with the boys and a bunch of booze. We talk a bit about the Fort Worth Weekly Best Of 2022, the upcoming music awards, and how much this freaking Fort Worth podcast scene owns! We flashback to the past, talk a little about Jessie’s project he’s working on (there is way more to talk about at a little later date), and we have a field report from Skip Redstone about a troubling story coming out of Austin that we plead the 5th on. We also kinda explain our value for value model! Congrats to our buddy Andrew Turner over at Fort Worth Roots for winning the 2022 Critics Choice Award! He highly deserves it!

Spotify Link Itunes Link Goggle Play Podcast Index

JJTM Coffee is available from 817 Coffee Roasters

Want to contribute to the show? Do that here!

You can catch the video version of the show here

Subscribe on Stitcher here


EMAIL: Jerryjonestownmassacre