Show 262 – A Little Praise & Warships With the Royal Sons

This week our good friends Blake, Javier, and Chad from the band Royal Sons stop by the studio to premiere a few tracks off of their new record Praise & Warships. The show starts off with a few crazy rabbit holes that may or may not have been whiskey induced. We bounce from the Punk in Drublic show to terrible venues, then over to a  fake Journey band before finally settling down with everything going on with the Royal Sons. After a show mid-break, we really dive into their new record, the recording process, and what is on the horizon with the release. We’ve been fans of the Royal Sons for what seems quite a while, and it truly was an honor to be able to debut some tracks off the album. When it’s released, Praise & Warships is going to be a MUST to add to your record collection. This is a long episode, but stick with it, it’s pretty entertaining!

Royal Sons are playing this Thursday night at The Rail Club in Fort Worth. And you can also catch up on all their happenings either on their website or on the facebooks


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