Tag Archives: out

Show 176 – Doty At Billiards


The boys return to Texas Billiards again this week with their good friend Micheal Doty from the bands Duell, House Harkonnen, and Blood of the Sun. They find out what’s going on in all of Doty’s camp, how things are at the Tone Shop, and who would bang Sarah Palin. The boys also talk about their award from the Fort Worth Weekly, and give thanks to everyone that voted. Then there’s the chaos that happened at the Cowboy game…. This show is also completely debate free, so you can feel safe to detach yourself from the political arena!

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Show 175 – Backmasking Robotuner’s Santeria


This week the boys do a remote show at Texas Billiards just for the hell of it. Matt “Robotuner” Thomas stops by to confront Matt and Dustin about what they said about his girlfriend last week and he lays the smack down with an awesome song parody. A lot of new albums have been released the past few weeks and Dustin thought he would try playing some tracks backwards to see what kind of hidden messages were being subliminally placed into our heads. Some are completely shocking! Friend of the show Jason Cantrell stops by also to talk and drink, and very special guest, Brittnie finally stops by and says about 30 words.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Show 174 – Is Richard Alive?


This week the boys wrap up a crazy weekend of needle drops, record releases, art shows, Fake Peter Criss, the return of the NFL, the Sheriff, a Demi Levato, Tupac, and the anniversary of a good friend. Richard of the internationally famous band Henry The Archer starts his reign as a producer, but seems like he might be on a different planet, or maybe a different podcast that records on a different night.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Show 173 – Return of The Me-Thinks


This week marks the return of The Me-Thinks to the Temple of Eye, and with that comes a whole lot of jackassery and nonsense. Our favorite caped crusaders dropped by with their attorney, some guy named Paul, from Indian Casino Records. He was sent to clear the air and set a few things straight before the Me-Thinks release their new record this Saturday night at Lola’s. We then receive a call from the owner of Indian Casino Records demanding the money he is owed, and that goes as well as you think it might and ends in true JJTM fashion. It was great having the guys back in the Temple and we want everyone to go out to Lola’s this weekend for the release party of this record. It’s going to be one to remember!

This Saturday is The Me-Thinks Record Release and Underachievement Award Extravaganza. BE THERE!

And you can also check out other fun Me-Thinks stuff HERE

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

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Show 172 – I Think We’re Alone Now


Sorry guys, It’s just Matt and Dustin this week after their scheduled guest had a flat on the way to the Temple of Eye, but the show must go on, right?!? This week the boys hit up a wide range of topics that include one of the most disturbing stories and women to ever live on the face of this planet, human sacrifices at CERN, Chris Brown is a dick, Mastodon albums get ranked, Viacom has taken over the world, and Dustin’s HBO question was actually genius.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/