Tag Archives: Matt Stubbs

Show 134 – The Last In The Year Of The Goat


The last of 2016, and we introduce to you the brand new boy band, Happy Tuesday. Happy Tuesday is a 7 member boy band consisting of Jason Tyree, Matt Thomas, Aaron Sanchez, Jeffery Lord, Josh Crary, Matt Stubbs, and Dustin Schneider and they will soon be taking the UK by storm. We really hope the world is ready for this! Happy Tuesday filled the temple last night and talked a little podcasting, a little global domination, some affluenza, a little bit of Serial, needing a sweat towel, and then Lists. Seriously if you like lists, then this is the show for you. All the guys list their favorite television shows, video games, movies, and music of 2015. This episode is a little long, but it’s not like you really have anything else to do, right?

Thank you to these guys for showing up and hanging out:

Jason Tyree of the Tyree Radio Network

Aaron Sanchez of Off Radar Podcast

Matt Thomas of Robotuner’s Insignificant Podcast

Jeffery Lord of The Funkytown Podcast


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarEpic Podquest, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Also don’t forget:



Show 133 – The Holiday Spectacular


It’s the week of Christmas, but more importantly its the week after the boys went and saw The Force Awakens! This week they are joined by their good friend Jessie Ingle and his little woman Laura, Dustin’s brother Kyle (Ren), and Dustin’s white dad, Kurt. Yes Matt quickly brings the topic to the difference between Dustin’s white dad and black dad. The boys also spend some time on the goings on over the weekend, Matt’s insane idea for terminal kids, clean up the voice mail and email boxes, talk randomly about things that are going on to wrap up the year, and of corse promoting the Jerry Jonestown Massacre Presents Show featuring Huffer, Hoof, Mountain of Smoke, and The Me-Thinks on January 16th, 2016 at Caves in Arlington. Entry is only $5! That’s a steal! Finally, the entire room spends the second half of the show discussing the movie event of the year, The Force Awakens. So if you haven’t seen it, here’s your spoiler warning.


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarEpic Podquest, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Also don’t forget:



Show 132 – Depression, Suicide, & Musicians


This one is pretty heavy, but it’s a show that we have been wanting to do for a little while now. A few weeks ago we had Dr. Peter Thomas, in with us to talk about his band and we ended up talking a little bit about depression and suicide amongst the music community. We told him that we wanted to get him back in, maybe around the holidays since this is a really emotional time of year, to continue the conversation and help make more people aware of the plague of depression and suicide. Well the good Dr joined us again this week and he informs about suicide stats across the country, the difference of bipolar and schizophrenia, what some of the risk factors for suicide are, some of the characteristics and signs to look for, some of the myths and misconceptions about suicide, what we should and shouldn’t do to those that we might know that are struggling with depression and suicide, and what puts musicians more at risk. Like we said, this isn’t the normal JJTM jackassery, its a really heavy episode and we hope this helps raise awareness or helps someone that might be struggling with these issues and leads them to the help they might need.

If you or someone you might know is dealing with depression or thoughts of suicide there are outlets you can turn to:

Deep Ellum Community Association / 45 Fund

Meets Every Tuesday Night At Life In Deep Ellum

2803 Taylor St, Dallas, Texas


You can also contact The National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or if you would like to call a local hotline you can do that at 214-330-7722 or 214-828-1000

You can also reach Dr Peter Thomas through The Holiner Psychiatric Group at 469-742-0199.


Appendix 131 – Bill Nye For President


Welcome to the first JJTM Appendix, and it’s a doozy. They boys continue on with their discussions from Tuesday night with Mean Motor Scooter and things get violent. Dustin calls Sammy a d*ck f*ck, Sammy fights back, Matt becomes a Bill Nye apologist, Joe gets completely uncomfortable and Chase just pulls his beenie down over his face. This is why it isn’t wise to talk climate change and Donald Trump after ingesting a bunch of whiskey. So please enjoy this complete meltdown at our expense.


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarEpic Podquest, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Show your support and buy a sexy Jerry Jonestown Massacre T-shirt Here!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Show 131 – Mean Motor Scooter Rides Into The Temple


The Southside’s rebels without a cause, Mean Motor Scooter, rode into the Temple of Eye and caused all sorts of hell in their wake. Smashing bottles against rival scooter gangs heads, kicking small woodland creatures in their sides, and leaving ruts in the neighbor’s lawn. You know, being real badasses. But since we all know that none of that is true, they did swing by for an out of control conversation with the boys. To be completely honest, this episode is either perfect for those with ADHD, or it might make their brain explode. We’ll have results on this test next week. They did talk about Dimebag and Lennon passing away, Scott Weiland leaving this world, Muse, Huffer album release show, Baroness at the Double Wide, and of course the new Mean Motor Scooter EP which is available on ItunesAmazon, Bandcamp, and of course swing by their Facebook Page. Get it because it’s a good listen and a good time.

Oh and there will be an Appendix to this episode later this week.


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarEpic Podquest, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Show your support and buy a sexy Jerry Jonestown Massacre T-shirt Here!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/