Tag Archives: jay

Show 166 – Jay Wilkinson Is Ready For Fun

IMG_4179Finally the question gets answered: Is Jay Wilkinson ready for fun? And the answer might shock you! (How’s that for a little click bait action?) Jay enters the Temple and spends a little time with the boys discussing what kind of perks really come with being Fort Worth’s first Artist in Resident, and he also discloses who this Bobby on Drums guy really is. A lot of art gets talked about, locally and underground, and we find out what the local climate is towards art these days. The boys also receive a lesson on Fort Works Art and Art Tooth. After the break, Brooks from the band Mountain of Smoke stops by to give away a pair of tickets to their show THIS Thursday at Gas Monkey Bar and Grill with Big Business. If you would like to attend this show, the boys have another pair of tickets they will give away to whomever sends them the best selfie to jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com. And remember the more skin that’s shown, the better. Finally the show wraps up with some crazy Tera Reid & Jenny McCarthy audio.

Next Friday night is The JJTM Presents: Convoy and the Cattlemen, The Phantom Sensation, Mean Motor Scooter, and Caliche Burnout at Lola’s.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

