Tag Archives: fort worth podcast

Show 420 – Totally Weedless

It’s our four hundred and twentieth show and we totally failed on celebrating it right. But that’s par for the course right? We talk about the Breckening, some Big Heaven, the down fall of Doge and the failure of Elon, the loss of Tawny, Johnny Solinger and Pearl Jam’s new venture.

You can catch the video version of the show here

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 419 – May The Doge Be With You

It’s the annual day of Star Wars nerddom and we have some fun with it. Dustin saw a good band over the weekend. Dogecoin hit’s 60. Stubbs and Susie have opposing cults.

You can catch the video version of the show here

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 418 – Dear Colleyville, It’s Us

Continuing our quest to piss off local municipalities, or maybe remind people what comedy really is and that it’s okay to laugh at one’s self. Today is the last day for early voting, so this Saturday will seal the fate for several of our favorite cities across N. Texas. Our buddy Brian joins us in studio this week, and if you have the ability to watch the video version of the show, we highly recommend it. This one is for the ladies, and you’ll see why!

You can catch the video version of the show here

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 417 – Boot, Scoot, & Fu…

Matt abandons the show this week and his shoes are filled by our good friend Ian from the spectacular Garage Barrage. But not to be outdone, our other fantastic friends Sheridan and Susie also join the show this week and it turns into a laugh riot! Sheridan is headed to Austin to set the city straight, Susie is headed to California to set the state straight, and Ian just wants to set the record straight…on Kangaroos. This “drunken podcast” also breaks down the blasphemy that the Callie Rigney camp put out (We have spies EVERYWHERE), we talk about the historic day this was, why you shouldn’t listen to use when it comes to investing, a party at Lola’s, and chicken and dickin’.

You can catch the video version of the show here

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 416 – Kurt Meyer Enters The Temple

This week, Kurt Meyer joins Dave O’hearn and the boys in the Temple to talk about the crazy and wild world of local politics. Kurt is running for Colleyville City Council Place 6 and wanted to come in and talk about why he’s running and what his priorities are for the City of Colleyville if he wins the seat. We then dive into the confusing world of NFTs and how ridiculous they are becoming. Plus New Mexico goes recreational, Kirk Hammett needs money, the Ever Given is impounded, and a couple of bands need to slow their roll.

You can catch the video version of the show here

Subscribe on Google Play here

Subscribe on Stitcher Here



Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/