Tag Archives: Eye Was Once Eaten

Show 8 – Girls Have a Penis, Boys Have a Vagina

This week we welcome our first female guest into the studio, Miss Christina Shepek, and things immediately go downhill from the start. Our weekend was a wreck, Stubbs nearly kills some innocent kids in the Taco Bell drive through, and Dustin’s neighbors try to burn his house down. We talk in depth about the documentary The Perfect Vagina, and we get a strange message from a listener named Bodeen.

Intro/Outro Music: El Mexia by Audioscopic

Show 7 – Eye Was Once A Fast Mobius

We get a little out of control on this one because we are graced by the presence of Jessie Ingle, the drummer for all of us at one point or another. He sets us straight on what happened at the Club House, we complain about the chaos surrounding Batman vs Superman, Taylor Swift or Hitler, The Freddie Mercury / Queen bio pic is off, and True Blood is going away. Plus emails, new releases, a small review of NIN Hesitation Marks, and we rail on Florida, again….

Intro/Outro music: X-Mobius – Dreams

Show 2: Don’t Eat The Baby In The Corner

It’s only our second show and things are already beginning to get dark and uncomfortable. Seth and Matt easily offend 5 different nationalities and ethnic groups.

Real Ale’s limited release of The Swords Iron Swan, christian puppeteer in a conspiracy to eat a , movies of 2015, Phil Anselmo & The Illegals, STP, Obama Care.

No Guest this week.


Show 1: For Realz Yo!

So after a few weeks of practice shows and drunken rants, we have decided to go live. So here we go!

Justin Timberlake has a hell of a sexy video, Metallica has 600 songs, Korn was dubstep before there was dubstep, Vans Warped Tour vs the Mayhem Festival, random bar conversations, and our first phone call.

Special Guest: Jennifer Schneider (more like ambushed then an actual guest.)