Tag Archives: epic

Show 242 – The Last Jedi Roundtable

The boys start 2018 off with an epic roundtable discussion of the latest installment of the Star Wars Saga, “The Last Jedi”. Matt “Robotuner Thomas, Dante Phea, and Aaron Sanchez join the boys to make up the disgruntled roundtable of disappointed and upset Star Wars fans. Spoiler warning: If you haven’t figured it out already from the first two sentences of this paragraph, we weren’t happy with this film. So enjoy listening to us complain about how Rian Johnson destroyed Jedi lore, disregarded the epic build up JJ Abrams laid out for him, and totally has no idea how time on continuity work in a film. We really thought it would be therapeutic to discuss this movie openly, but it seems that it just made us more angry and confused.


Email us all your bits to  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Show 241 – The Epic End of Year Crossover Part 1

The Funkytown podcast gents came and hung out at the Temple as we did not one complete show, but an epic two parter! You are getting the first part of this set now, as the JJTM boys go through their Best of 2017 lists, a trip down to Day for Night Festival, weirdness at Chuck E Cheese, the Spectacle in Denton, and a little bit of Star Wars talk…Just the tip! The second part of this two parter will be released on the Funkytown Podcast this Sunday, so be on the look out and as always, subscribe to those boys if you haven’t already!


Email us at  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/


Show 240 – The Angry Holidays

We had a last minute cancellation with our guest this week, so that meant that Stubbs got to go on a political tirade and Dustin unleashed a holy war on Youtube and Christmas. You know, just doing the normal day to day stuff the boys normally do. Matt “Robotuner” Thomas stopped by to hang out, and Ulrich did his best to piss off even more listeners. The boys went through Loudwire’s Best of 2017 Hard Rock and Metal lists, and they were kinda lame. It’s just another average Tuesday in the Temple.

Dustin’s first show with The Spectacle is this Friday night at the Abbey Underground in Denton. More info can be found here!


Email us at  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/




Show 239 – What The Föök Happened?

We don’t even know where to begin with this one. Seriously. Not a clue. The Fööks rolled into the Temple all the way from Hurst and quickly made theirselves at home. This episode flies off the rails pretty quick and stays completely ridiculous. Somewhere along the way we get to know The Fööks, read through some emails, listen to some voicemails, discuss the closing of the Aardvark, Dustin makes an announcement, and Russia is banned from the Olympics.

The Fööks are playing this Saturday at the Aardvark in a benefit show for Troll. Show starts at 3pm and includes Cris Curliss, Joint Efforts, Effinay’s, Gypsy Bravado and more. Find out more info here .


Email us at  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Show 238 – 2 Gumdrops With Aids

We kick thisshow off in a “Casually Lit” sort of way with a collection beers Dustin picked up at the new Total Wine by the Temple. We then dive into Thanksgiving, The Cowboys, and just what the hell happened to Matt at the Grotto this past Friday night. Matt makes an important announcement concerning his future before discussing the Good Doctor. Dustin asks what it would take to cut off a friendship with someone close, and then we through in a bunch of other jackassery including emails and diddler of the week.


Email us at  Jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Watch the video of the show here: https://youtu.be/lEroxMDI644