Tag Archives: Dallas Music

Show 398 – The Power of the Darkside

Matt returns and the boys go on a ranting spree. A little bit of time is spent just trying to figure out what the hell is going on in the world and how we are slowly letting our guard down about Hipaa laws thanks to Covid. Dustin becomes a felon overnight thanks to new laws that can be turned on and turned off whenever the wind blows. Mike Tyson returns, the Cowboys lose, the football season is on the brink of disaster, there is now country dubstep, and the boys want to be roasted. Darth Vader has left this earthly realm.

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 397 – WTFTW?

It’s Thanksgiving week and the boys from FTW visit the Temple fresh after a great show at Lola’s Trailer Park. The conversation bounces all over the place, from recording at Cloudland, to Nick’s knives, to life at Sturgis, to boondocking. It’s a nice chill evening of fun conversation. Go subscribe to Nick’s youtube channel NOW!

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 396 – Ian With a Side of Juma

Our good friends Ian McKenyon and Juma Spears joined us this week, and it’s always a good time when either on of them come and hang out with us. Ian catches up on what he’s been up to and what is going on in the Garage Barrage camp, and Juma catches us up on his training and fighting. Stubbs can’t hear out of one ear thank to Kahn’s earwick, and Dustin gripes about apartments popping up all over Fort Worth. It’s all just another fun evening in the Temple.

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 395 – Post Erection Noodling

This one is going to upset some people, so go ahead and get ready to send your emails to jerryjonestownmassacre@gmail.com. Our buddy Brian Breckenridge joins us this week as we try to sweep up a few items and calm some folks down after a crazy election week. Dustin finally uncovers the research he’s been doing for the past few months on social media. And the quest for the game show GOAT arises with the passing of Alex Trebek. This one is fun all the way through.

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/

Show 394 – #Erection2020

It’s election night and The Boiled Owl was gracious enough to let us come and spend the evening in their fine establishment. The world didn’t end, nor did we even find out who was going to be president, but we had a huge assortment of friends stop by and chat with us. In order of appearance:

Autumn Brackeen, Susie Ramone, Matt Thomas, A Comedian, Tony Green, Hayden Miller, Tyler Vela, Joe Tacke, Rebekah Elizabeth, Sammy Kidd, Jeffery Chase, Koline Jardine, and Steve Steward.

Thank you again to the crew of The Boiled Owl for letting us come out and spend election night with you guys!

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You can catch the video version of the show here

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Also, catch us live every Tuesday at 8 pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://mixlr.com/the-jerry-jonestown-massacre/

Check out our newest friends https://www.victorwrench.com/