Category Archives: Uncategorized

Show 210 – Hanging Tough


I, Dustin, am typing this summery in sound body and mind.

All of our ladies took off to see Boys 2 Men, Paula Abdul, and New Kids on the Block so we stayed home and did a podcast. Our buddy Jason Cantrell stopped by to talk about the Carry The Load event happening this Sunday, Memorial Day; and Matt Thomas showed up to talk to us about The Confounded coming to an end and their final show. Stubbs returns to the show and tells us about his trip; We morn Chris Cornell, Roger Moore, Lisa Spoonauer, and the attack in Manchester.

Guys, love each other. You never know when it might be the last time you see the one you love.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote, and the letter Z.


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off Radar, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://


Show 201 – All or No All?


For those of you that like a nice calm conversation between the boys, then this show is for you. Matt and Dustin fly solo this week to try and catch up on some of the “goings on” the area. Some of the topics touched on are: Suicide on 820, Beauty and The Beast, movie theater people, Fuzzed Out Fest, what is considered making it in the music business, Chuck Berry is an asshole, Brain Hole Fest, Primus and Clutch, NIN, Illinois School Prom, Trump and the non handshake, Trump and NASA, and Matt is becoming a standup comedian.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote and Your Mom.


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off Radar, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://

Show 199 – In the Presence of the Lord


The boys keep it low key this week as the do the show relaxing on Dustin’s couch and keeping an eye on Dirk hitting 30,000 points. Their good buddy Jeffrey Lord swings by to hang out and talk about his up coming party this weekend (Saturday the 11th) at The Boiled Owl. IT doesn’t take long for the conversation to degenerate to porn and vibrating panty talk, followed up with a dose of sploosh talk. The guys also hit on conversing with a foreign dignitary, hunting and killing poachers, and the state of SXSW.

Be at the Boiled Owl this Saturday night for Hippie Bathday 2: The Bath of Jeff Presented by the Jerry Jonestown Massacre and Produced by the Funkytown Podcast.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote and Your Mom.


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off Radar, and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://

Show 171 – I Happy Am


This week marks the return of I Happy Am into the Temple of Eye to promote their long awaited debut album, The Prophet, The Giant, And The Invisible Man. And even though right now the boys and Zach are at war for the Fort Worth Weekly Best of 2016 award, they all put their differences aside for the greater good, and that’s talking about a fantastic album. But that doesn’t keep things from getting a little out of control because Rebekah and Zach show up to the show with a big bottle of rum and Juggalo humor. The spirits get to flowing and topics start flying all over the map; from pink socks to John Rambo busting in and making an appearance it really gets chaotic. And when the smoke clears the boys survive the human torpedo that is Zach and foil his mission of sinking other podcasts.

I Happy Am are having a record drop party on Sept 10th at Butler’s Alley and a full on album release party Oct 21st at Lola’s

See more of I Happy AM here.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://

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Show 167 – 3 Year Anniversary With The Phantom Sensation


For those that know Matt or Dustin, 3 years is a long time for their ADHD riddled minds to commit to anything. But here they are, 3 years of doing a completely ridiculous podcast that everyone was betting against. This week The Phantom Sensation joins the boys in studio to celebrate 3 years of mediocrity, to talk about their brand new album, and promote the album release/3 year party at Lola’s this Friday night. Things get a little uncomfortable as the discussion of the departure of our favorite bass player arises. Zach’s final show with the band will be this Friday night at the afore mentioned Lola’s. They also dabble into the RNC and DNC talk, the worst place to have a domestic dispute, killing your wife at a nude beach, and a declaration of war has been launched against Robotuner! Plus Cronuts are amazing and Matt likes to change the font on the run sheet>

Come out this Friday night and lets dance!


Get more from the Phantom Sensation here.

This episode is brought to by Geistnote


A big shout out to our friends  Funkytown Podcast,  Off RadarAtypical DFW Podcast and Robotuners Insignificant Podcast!

Email us all your bits to

Also catch us Live every Tuesday at 8pm CDT on Mixlr at Http://

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